Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders’ Contracts Ban Relationships with Players: What You Need to Know

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The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC) are nearly as famous in the NFL world as the team itself. Recently, a documentary series on Netflix revealed some of their best-kept secrets.

One of the most striking revelations was how far their salaries are from those of Jerry Jones‘ players.

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

According to a report, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders earn around $500 per game, which totals approximately $75,000 annually.

They also receive payment for appearances. However, nearly all of them juggle this role with another full-time job: there are nurses, sales clerks, marketers, publicists, and more among them.

This is despite the fact that game days involve 11-hour shifts.

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: what Netflix's America's Sweethearts doesn't  tell you

But this isn’t the only surprising fact. The extensive process they undergo to become part of the team each year and the numerous rules they must adhere to as a DCC are equally astonishing.

For instance, upon joining, they must sign a non-fraternization contract with the players. They are prohibited from dating or interacting with them.

Each group has its own separate dressing room at the stadium, and they practically don’t know each other, despite being part of the same club and attending the same games.

Another rule is that they cannot be touched, even when taking photos with fans. Additionally, they must meticulously maintain their appearance.

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders – Fraternization With Players | Weekly Dallas  Cowboys Cheerleaders Blog

They are required to be fully styled and made up every day. However, they can’t overdo it with the makeup and must always have a natural look-no shine is allowed.

Visible tattoos are not permitted, and perhaps the toughest rule of all: they cannot gain weight.

Once they receive their custom-fitted uniform, they do not get another one, meaning they must maintain their size throughout their time with the organization.

Furthermore, they cannot chew gum, attend any venue where alcohol is served, or go to parties. The 36 cheerleaders each season are expected to be role models.

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